"Think Science. Do Science. Love Science."

October 22, 2011

Future Science Lab in 2013 - a proposal

A science lab in 2013 is proposed to be very high tech lab. It must all be equipped with computers/PCs/laptops or tablets for every student. Internet connection must be available and fast so that learning takes place efficiently. It is best to divide the room into two sections, in which one section is for practical activity purposes and another is computer section. However, any results/data from the practical activity should be connected directly to the computer for data analysis.

A virtual program for trial experiment should also be included. Students who are encouraged to construct knowledge would have the opportunity to design experiment and test their idea. This would save cost and time, plus it is safer if the practical could lead to any danger. Even though technology is integrated into science teaching and learning, especially where practical can be done virtually, it is still important to conduct real practical activity. Therefore, a teacher is important in this case, to guide and facilitate the class. Additionally, science aims to develop process skills in the students. Only from doing real practical can this aim be achieved.

Safety is important and is a priority in science laboratory. There must be a sensor if any danger arise for example, alarm sensor and if any breakages of glasses occur.Lab coat must also be provided for every student. Camera can be put in the lab so teacher can monitor the students.

Last but not least, interactive white board can make learning more stimulating and enhanced interactivity between teachers and students. Therefore it should be included in the creation of new lab in the future.

Anything that can contribute to conducive learning environment should be realised too, for instance the colour of the lab wall, interior decoration of the lab, arrangement of seats, etc.